Saturday, April 11

It has been a long time that I blog

Hi everyone,

It has been a very long time that I have touch my blog. Suddenly out of nowhere, I can access my blog. Thank GOD.

Yesterday was the end of Pray and Fasting for my first time. It was a breakthrough but it was a breakthrough with GOD, knowing HIM more and be more depending on HIM but those items on my pledge list was not getting a responses yet. Pray the pledge list is by GOD's grace to be moved and granted.

I have been busy very busy. Even my day off, seem to be more hectic than my normal work life. During off days, I am not able to access a decent internet access. It is killing a IT savvy guy here.

Anyway, this is my pledge during my fasting.

1. Grant financial support for my wedding
2. Getting breakthrough at work
3. Getting family support's
4. Getting a Macbook
5. My grandmother's Health - Top priority

You might feel that I am materialist. I would like to save myself if can, it is not longer easy as I am broke for months. Saving seems to be static mode.

Pray GOD, that HE provide. He the provider. AMEN!!