Wednesday, October 22

Life like Drama Series.

Have you ever feel that life is like that a drama series in hong kong ?

I know that I have never cross my mind until recently, where thing went good to bad to worst. I never believe that standing by truth and true intention can be twisted into evil, the fault one, bad guy. Ya, Ya, it only happens in movie. I feel disappointed and the amount of hate and heart broken is unbelieveable. I have been thinking. What have I did wrong by standing the side of good ? Why must I be the one to say sorry? All the Why? How? and What?. Everything seems to be so unfair. I have been treat unfairly.

This feeling is unbareable. I wish I can go far and never look back. I am serious. Really serious.

Anyway, I am find high and low for house, loan, money, $$$.

End of post... My mood : Very bad, Bad

Sunday, October 5

Missing something....

Hi everyone,

Why is my title "Missing Something" ??

Recently, I just came back from Hong Kong. I start missing the place as soon as I touch down at Malaysia. Why ? I love the transportation there so much. The food is great. Although, the place is overcrowd. I can't believe myself. Everyone there is staying in a house with built up size is about 500 - 700 square feet. But I like it.

End of the story is I miss Hong Kong