Sunday, October 5

Missing something....

Hi everyone,

Why is my title "Missing Something" ??

Recently, I just came back from Hong Kong. I start missing the place as soon as I touch down at Malaysia. Why ? I love the transportation there so much. The food is great. Although, the place is overcrowd. I can't believe myself. Everyone there is staying in a house with built up size is about 500 - 700 square feet. But I like it.

End of the story is I miss Hong Kong


ballnvic said...


Anonymous said...

Yes, Hong Kong is a beautiful place, and I miss it too.

Nevada, USA

Anonymous said...

great blogging and posts, I enjoy your great and insightful points.

here's something you might want to check out:

TNH said...

yup..thier house is small but expensive...but i really feel that HK too pack la

Chunks of Reality said...

Found you via BlogExplosion and wanted to say hello!! :)

I wish that I was able to visit Hong Kong in order to miss it! :)