Friday, January 1

New Year Resolution 2010. ver1.0

This is what I am resolute to do for this year

1.Getting a job that I can spend more quality time with my wife and income excess my expenses at least 50 % that have passion like wide scale arhitechure and development in a proper company that I wouldn't leave till I open my own company.
3.Own a MPV with lowest fuel comsumption (maybe a hybrid).
4.Own a Macbook Pro with 8 GB of RAM for my sidelines and research.
5.Have enough money to furnish the house..
6.Want to invent something big..
7.Getting my very own lab in my house.
8.Have a baby ?? :P
9.Get myself a book (journal) to start my research book. (book of possibilities)
10. Do my quiet time

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