Wednesday, December 24

She is on my mind

Dear all,

Sorry about the missing in action. I was sick and still sick as of now. Making me so lazy to blog. Sorry about that.

Why my title is "She is on my mind"?

I was bored and tired then I heard the song from radio broadcasting the song "She is on my mind" then I start to thinkk of her. Canna to be exact. She went to Singapore for Esther's ROM. I was scheduled to work. She left to Singapore on 22nd. She is coming back today, actually she is back in Malaysia.

I don't know why it is so hard to live when you miss someone. Everything seems to be slow down. like 100 times. I feel like a battery barely enough to power for the whole day. You wish to sleep more and easy to provoke. Missing her is pain.

Anyways, I am still thinking of what to get her for Christmas. Scratch, Scratch and Scratch Head.

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