Thursday, June 19

Diet in Progress, Dont whether it is working

Hi everyone,

It have been two weeks that I am drinking the shake. Taste weird, yes it is weird. It does taste like chocolate. All of that, It is still bearable. Nothing much today, expect the usual error and weird server. It is like a routine to me aka sinking into comfort zone.

Currently I am hungry, and searching around for a better diet plan. Then I bump into the article called

'Big breakfast 'aids weight loss'

I was like "Oh My God". It makes me hungry and tempted to follow those plan. That's why I am blogging now to divert my attention away from it. BIG BREAKFAST.

So nice, I was like typing this post. Another side, Canna is msn -ing with me that she found the receipe for diet lemonade. Sigh, Diversion method failed. Sigh~~~!!

Anyway, I found this articles. It is regarding about places. The title is

'Top 10: Horniest Countries'

Guess what ?? In this kind of thing. Malaysia got the 7th place in the top.

LOL. Something to laugh about.

Signing off now.. Bye

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